I know I have been a slacker and have not updated, so here it goes our past week.
We had our visit to Baltimore with B and it was great. We had awesome weather and the lacrosse games were good. Sam loved it. Kenny, B and I had some really deep conversations and all I can say is we are so blessed and lucky to have her in our lives. The fact that we can talk about the stuff we do is awesome. Obviously I am not going to go into detail about what we talked about but, I know it is special to have such an open and honest relationship with our child's birth mom. Well the next day we went to Annapolis and Sam, B and I walked around town petting dogs and having ice cream while Kenny took a tour of the Naval Academy. We are definitely going to go back, its a cute town that we need to explore more. We drove back to Philly and went to B's moms house and hung out and had dinner with the family. We have the best time with them. I have been saving the best for last of the weekend. B asked us if we wanted to go and see her off to prom!! OF COURSE we do!!! We can't wait. It's actually this Friday coming up, so we are taking a drive and going to see how beautiful she looks and take a million pictures. I will definitely have to bring tissues!
The rest of the week has been pretty normal and not much going on. We've had beautiful weather so we have spent alot of time outside and at the park. Our yard is shaping up and we are ready for flowers, which I got yesterday. Then we had Joe and Catalina & the kids over for a bbq. We all had a great time but the kids had a blast. Their son Joseph is 6 and their daughter Francesca is almost 2. They all ran around for hours laughing,playing, fighting, getting hurt, getting dirty, laughing and then passing out because they were exhausted!! I have the pics to prove it. Today we took it easy and went to breakfast and then cleaned a little and after Sam's nap we went to Grandma and Poppa's for a visit. The visit includes the fire house. My dad is a volunteer fireman and Sam LOVES going to the firehouse and driving the truck and putting the gear on!! Soooo cute, everything WOW!! to him when he's there. Next it was Chinese and mom and dads and now I'm here. As always I will leave you with a few pics.
Francesca, Sam, Joseph

Sam washing the car!

B saying goodnight to Sam

B's brother putting on Sam's shoes

Birth grandma giving hugs

B and Sam at the game

B, Sam and her sister playing in the tent!

Meghan and Sam

Kenny and Sam