I am having a hard time right now waiting for our little one to find their way to us. It's been a long road and I am feeling a little discouraged. I believe it will happen in God's time and I know this to be true because we have Sam as living proof! BUT...... it's hard when your heart aches for the baby that you want so badly. Thank God for Sam and his sweet smile and hugs. He makes the waiting tolerable. He also reminds me of what a blessing we receive when a mom picks us to love her baby forever and for that I am grateful. I know the wait is meant to be, I know we have to be in the right place at the right time for the special mom and baby to find us. Thank you to my incredible hubs and my family and great friends that put up with my craziness while we wait for God's timing to be right!
I saw this quote on This is a Site for Birthmothers by Birthmothers and like they say, its all in the timing, it's exactly what I need right now!!!
“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing.”
This is me trying to be patient! :)

because...this is the blessing we got with patience and timing before, SAM!!!
Finally, I can leave a comment! The crazy thing about timing that when it is the "right" time, every bump and tear that we shed on this journey makes sense and was worth it. Timing is everything and your time will come! Love you!