Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rain, Rain go away!

Another rainy day! ugh! We just stayed inside and played. Sammy and I braved the rain this morning, we had to get out for a while :) to get a bagel. Then we were cuddled up warm in the house. We played choo-choo's and fought some monsters. Ohhh and don't forget fighting the fires...woooo woooo woooo! Then Sam drew a picture and we made a card for his birth momma for St. Patricks Day. Finally it was time for meatballs. The kid loves him some meatballs!! And today marks 2 wks since I met a new friend, Hi L! Nancy is stillll pregnant. Babies are BIG, come out, come out wherever you are!!! lol She's missing her belly button, if you see it around let me know. This not such an exciting post but I have some cute pics from today!


  1. I actually love the rain, Lol. He's SOOO cute!! No, sorry. He's handsome(:

  2. I can totally hear Sam giggling in that last one! love it :)


A penny for your thoughts! ♥ Meghan